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Seaspell Whippets

Janine & Dusty Britton, Smyrna, Delaware


Kenyan Safari - Day 10

DAY 10, Saturday, April 07 - MASAI MARA-NAIROBI

""Another early morning game drive to complete your list of sightings. Gain an overview of Africa on your plane ride back to Nairobi. Fly over the great Rift Valley , part of the rift system that stretches from the Dead Sea in the Middle East to Mozambique. Afternoon at leisure. You may want to check out the capital's excellent shops or simply relax by the pool. Tonight compare notes with your safari companions as you enjoy a farewell dinner at the most fatuous of African restaurants, the Carnivore. (FB,D)""

Another early morning, waking at 5:45 am, quick coffee at 6:15, then off for the last game drive at 6:30 am.
Picture Index for the day - Roll #22
-25: elephants, a small family up close, gnu,

masai with their cattle

the airstrip, our plane to Niarobi

while in flight, a view of the Rift Valley

Picture Index for the day - Roll #23
-2: the Carnivore Restaurant, an experience for the culinary bud!  The dinner started with a drink, Dawa (medicine) - glass of ice then 2 halves of lemon (squeeze halves into glass), 2 teaspoons of sugar, a swirl of honey, and 2 shots of vodka. After soup, the melee began, with the following Meats: chicken, leg of lamb, lamb chops, beef, zebra, pork sausage, crocodile, spare ribs. The cats were also great entertainment.

On to Day 11...

I've tried to link to any businesses or organizations mentioned, including their website addresses, so you can visit them to learn more.  If you want to learn more about these safaris, I invite you to visit Jacko Africa Safaris!

All double quoted comments ("") come directly from our Tour Itinerary.  Please contact me if you have any questions or corrections, at dusty@bwci.com