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Seaspell Whippets

Janine & Dusty Britton, Smyrna, Delaware


Kenyan Safari - Days 11 & 12

DAY 11, Sunday, April 08 - DEPART NAIROBI

We had the room until 6 pm, and it was a day of recuperation and relaxation.  We enjoyed a late and LARGE breakfast buffet at the Travelers Restaurant, then off to do some shopping and relaxing.   I took a swim in the hotel pool, almost getting in trouble! There was no walk-in area for the pool, just ladders.  So I dove in, and then popped up to find that the rules stated, "Absolutely NO Diving !!!"  Several gentlemen came over to cart me away, but I waved to them that I was sorry.  It was a nice swim, the water was 78 degrees F, but then a storm rolled in. 
We were down at the Lobby at about 6 pm to meet Jackson for a farewell, and to catch the ride to the airport, again Kombo came to our rescue!  We left the Hilton for the last time at 7 pm, heading to the Nairobi Airport, heading home!
Picture Index for the day - Roll #23
-6: view of Nairobi from our room


It was a longer flight, and boy, are we tired !!!  It was a quiet flight, with good food!

Back home to the real world...

I've tried to link to any businesses or organizations mentioned, including their website addresses, so you can visit them to learn more.  If you want to learn more about these safaris, I invite you to visit Jacko Africa Safaris!

All double quoted comments ("") come directly from our Tour Itinerary.  Please contact me if you have any questions or corrections, at dusty@bwci.com